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Trailer Tongue Box 13BHB

Started by gizmokayaker, March 30, 2014, 07:47:25 PM

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Before the advent of this forum on the yahoo groups someone pm'ed me some great information on extending the rear deck however when I talked to the factory they said I could bring it there and they would do it for me for $1000 or so dollars which is expensive and a very long drive else to do it myself would void my warranty.  The job also looked labor intensive and requires me cutting my rear bumper off which I can do but would prefer not to.  Since then I have been trying to figure out how in the world I can find a place to put a small generator and some gas so I don't have to have it riding in the vehicle with me. 

Today I decided to measure my actual tongue weight at the tow height and then place some ballast in a few different places to see the effect on the tongue weight.  I made the following measurements with no liquids in any storage tank.  Although the fresh water tank is the only tank in front of the axle I don't intend to travel with it filled at least not very far at all.

tongue weights
1. normal configuration, propane tank is at least half ------------- 195lbs
2. without propane tank ---------------------------------------- 180lbs
3. with 124lb person standing on the beam convergence, --------  275lbs
[span]    [/span][span]    [/span][span]    [/span] close to where the propane tank was
4. with 124lb person sitting inside camper on the front most seat - 250lbs

So I am debating taking a box such as this, approx weight 50lbs, and mounting on the tongue:


The plan would be to remove the propane tank mount and relocate the battery and propane tank inside of the box.  I would mount the box as far rearward as possible and turn it backwards so it could be maximally close to the axle i.e. the hinge would face forward so I would not have to allow space behind the box for it to open which would reduce the effect of its weight on the tongue.  Then I would have a place to store a small generator and some gasoline.  I figure I could always place a few of our normal carry items behind the axle to help balance some of the weight.  But I still fear I may be pushing it on the tongue weight.  I tow it with my minivan and it is rated at 400lbs but I would like to keep it much less for bounce reasons.  One idea is to purchase a sealed gel cell battery and install it in the rear compartment inside of the trailer, that would be safe and basically counteract the weight of the box.

Interested to have some feedback all comments, complaints, and suggestions are most welcome.



I just checked and there is plenty of room under the rear bunk to mount an AGM battery which would create space up front and remove weight from the tongue and locate it behind the axle which will at least counter the weight of having the box up front.  As a bonus the wiring would be super easy since that is where the electrical panel is.  I think this is very easy and an obvious step in the right direction.


Alternative idea spurred by the cost of AGM batteries, they are really pricey!  I could just mount the battery on the rear bumper support.  I also am toying with the idea of mounting the propane tank there are well.  The only issue I have with that might be if I were ever rear ended it could be really bad, not so much for me but for the vehicle that hits me!  Any thoughts?


[quote source="/post/366/thread" timestamp="1396361115" author="@gizmokayaker"]Alternative idea spurred by the cost of AGM batteries, they are really pricey!  I could just mount the battery on the rear bumper support.  I also am toying with the idea of mounting the propane tank there are well.  The only issue I have with that might be if I were ever rear ended it could be really bad, not so much for me but for the vehicle that hits me!  Any thoughts?[/quote][font size="3"][font face="arial"]Watch your tongue weight with all that weight[/font][font face="arial"] moving behind the axle.
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NW Florida



The idea is to move the weight back so that I can add weight to the tongue in the form of an aluminum box which will house things like a generator, fuel, wheel chocks, BAL leveler ect.  My intent is really to balance everything back out however I will still wind up with more weight on the tongue than what is there now based on my estimates.  Maybe I should leave the propane tank up front.



So I removed the battery and propane tank.  I purchased an aluminum trailer tongue box at tractor supply.  I moved the tongue jack forward as far as it will go and pulled out of the drive and there is no issue with it decreasing the turning radius in the up position.  The box seems to fit pretty well.  It would be nice if I could move it back but since it is relatively tall (I need it to be tall so it will hold the generator) it will not go back any further.  That said it is still well supported by the A frame underneath it.

The biggest conundrum is what to do with the propane tank.  I thought I might be able to mount it in the box but it eats up too much space and may be unadvised due to heat.  Although I would like some feedback on that maybe I could just vent the box a little.  For one thing it is reflective and aluminum dissipates heat very well.  I don't think temperatures would climb too high over ambient inside the aluminum box.  At home I keep my propane grill tank in the lower steel compartment which is not well vented and there has never been an issue even when I lived in Las Vegas.  Another option is to mount it to the front of the box somehow.  I could maybe get a different bracket or break the vertical mount tab and re-weld it so it lines up with the bottom tabs.  The other option is to mount it off of the back bumper I think I could do so with a bit of modification.

I attached a few pictures please let me know what you think!



I think I am giving up.  There really is not a good alternative location for the propane tank.  The only other idea I have is to mount an aluminum flat loading ramp behind the propane tank so that I can strap things to it...........


Have you considered putting the propane or battery on a riser ? Straight up from its current location, creates room underneath.

I'm not saying it's a good idea, and of course all the weight is on the tongue. But my 14DBS is a two-tank system, could survive easily on one.
Let's eat, Grandma !
Let's eat Grandma !
Punctuation. It saves lives.

2014 14DBS
2013 4Runner | 2006 F-150 5.4 V8 (ruh ruh ruh)
2015 Hobie Outback



I have thought of that even mounting it on top of the tongue box with someway to disconnect it quickly so I can open the box.  I might be able to so that but part of me does not want to put that kind of projectile right in line with back window of my tow vehicle.  With some welding I could make some kind of adapter to mount is right behind the hitch coupler but it would not be centered with the frame because now I have relocated the tongue jack to the front.  Maybe I could modify the tongue jack trailer so I can crank it easier without hitting my hand then then propane could mount right in front of the tongue box.  The main difficulty is either the tongue jack or the propane tank.


Would a motorized jack help or hurt ?

(Just trying to help with ideas, not that I think any of them are practical.)
Let's eat, Grandma !
Let's eat Grandma !
Punctuation. It saves lives.

2014 14DBS
2013 4Runner | 2006 F-150 5.4 V8 (ruh ruh ruh)
2015 Hobie Outback


I think a motorized jack would help but that would add even more weight I am guessing and it will add complexity.  I thought about just cutting the handle off of the jack and having a 1/2 nut welded on then I could just use a ratchet wrench with a shorter handle.

I might just mount the propane tank in the box.  I can't imagine that a shiny aluminum box gets much hotter than ambient since it dissipates heat so well.  I could always add a couple of these: http://www.westmarine.com/west-marine--stainless-steel-louvered-vents--P000226993

I don't know, this project has made my head hurt! I don't want to make a modification that creates a problem.  Especially since the box was expensive and so to is the AGM battery.


[p]To mount my propane tank to the front of the trailer I had a water cooler mount made out of aluminum diamond plate and fastened it to the front of the trailer with u bolts. I tool a 7 1/2 gallon plastic bucket that I obtained from the bakery at the local supermarket and attached it to the water cooler mount with a strap. Inside the bucket I place my one gallon LPG tank, hoses, adaptor and two one lbs. propane cylinders. For the lid I attached one of those snap on lids with a spin out center section (lid). I have also drilled a few holes in the container for ventilation. This modifications has worked for us. And we have more than enough propane for our camping trips. [/p]
15 Jumping Jack Camper
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