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Installation of Fan-Tastic Vent Cover

Started by happyhiker, November 17, 2016, 02:42:22 PM

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I have been trying to find a thread on this but alas, no success.  My wife has been asking me for two years to put a cover over one of the trailer vents on our 14DB, but due to my limited experience in getting up on the roof and screwing holes in it, I have been providing her with any number of lame excuses for not getting this simple job done.

In essence, I would like to install a Fantastick vent cover, like the one shown here:

 [a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007HGF29Y/ref=twister_B00C6VQVBS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1"]https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007HGF29Y/ref=twister_B00C6VQVBS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1[/a]

I would appreciate any pointers on how to do this.  My concerns are:

1.  Getting up on the roof and the weight of sitting on the roof to perform the install.

2.  The method of installing the screws into the existing frame of the fan.  Perhaps their are already screws underneath the lip?  I want to make sure I "hit" something to hold it into place and ensure that I am not creating a nice hole for water to run through.

Any advice would be appreciated.


If you haven't already purchased this type of vent cover, might I suggest looking into the MaxxAir2 vent cover? We have these over the Fantastic Fans in our 21BHS and they work great. With them, you can have the vent open at anytime, even while it is raining or while you are traveling down the road. Also, they are easy to install, no screws or holes into the roof of the trailer. They clamp onto the outside of the Fantastic Fan, just above the roofline. And don't worry about standing or sitting up on the roof while you are doing this, the roof can support you (unless maybe you are a very large person!).


Thanks for the suggestion.  I will certainly look into it.  I have not purchased any cover yet.  Sounds like a much easier installation method.  I am not too big (about 200 lbs) so hopefully I won't collapse the roof.  


I second the Maxxair covers. All in favor: "aye"; motioned carried. 

Simple tools, no holes in roof, maybe 30 minutes per cover install (not counting finding the tools, cleaning up, and putting the tools away!). 


First thing I put on my 21RBS after getting her home.  3 on roof and about 90 minutes. Takes longer to read instructions! AND DO READ Them.
Merlin is RIGHT!


[quote timestamp="1479428184" author="@sandroad" source="/post/25864/thread"]I second the Maxxair covers. All in favor: "aye"; motioned carried. 

Simple tools, no holes in roof, maybe 30 minutes per cover install (not counting finding the tools, cleaning up, and putting the tools away!). [/quote][font size="3"]Just for info to the group: The [/font][font size="3"]Ultrabreeze, [/font][font size="3"]FantasticVent's own cover for the Fantastics, is simple to install with no holes or drills. Can't comment on the comparison with Maxxair. I have two Ultras and they work great. Here's an installation video.

[a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAs2GsUTdK4"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAs2GsUTdK4[/a]
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


I am with Merlin and the  Maxxair covers.  It was an easy job.  Now one of my spring projects is to replace the noisy fans in our 16 TBS with reversible fantastic fans.


Quote from: @charleschapman" source="/post/25985/thread" timestamp="1479843968I am with Merlin and the  Maxxair covers.  It was an easy job.  Now one of my spring projects is to replace the noisy fans in our 16 TBS with reversible fantastic fans.
The Fantastic Fans are much better fans than the Hengs fans that come standard in the Camplites. However, the 3 speed reversible version of the Hengs fan are extremely easy to install as a replacement for the original. Working only from the inside, it takes only about a half hour to swap out the original for the replacement and the only tool needed is a long shank philips screwdriver. The replacement is relatively quiet on low or medium and the reversible feature is very nice. The Fantastic fans, though really (really) nice, require roof work and completely replacing the housing and seals.



Thanks Merlin.  I can give it a try and see how it goes.