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22 foot Axxess toy hauler

Started by oprlrt, March 01, 2016, 02:32:49 PM

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Yesterday was an eye opener, I have my axxess in the driveway where I have been storing it for about 4 months. I took my RZR side by side out of garage and put it in driveway next to axxess and did a grease job and some other odds and ends.
That was around 11:00 am here in Sacramento area in California, I did a bunch of other stuff and put the RZR back in garage about 4 hours latter. Last night I went out to the garage to check on some wiring I have been working on the RZR, and as I approached it I noticed something was wrong with the hood. Really it was only 4 inches of the hood and about 12 inches of the panel that is on the same area and goes up and over to become the dash. This area was about 2 inches wide and the center had melted and dropped down about 1/2 inch.
I turned off circuit breaker and and started looking for shorted wiring. There are only 2 screws that hold the dash piece on, after taking them off I lifted up that piece and there are no wires that run under where the burned area was.
This was a mystery, I looked at everything trying to find out how this piece had gotten that hot. I had the neighbor come over and look and no buddy had any ideas.
So today I go out and look at the area it was parked in which is where I usually have my toyota tacoma parked. I did not see anything out of the ordinary so I opened the door and looked at the top of the cab. If you have ever seen paint jobs start to fade and flake which is the clear coating I had an area on the top like the mark on the RZR. There is also another mark on the hood, so mystery solved the refection off the axxess was causing the damage. To melt plastic on RZR it had to get pretty hot.


Wow. That's quite the story. Smokey the Bear says to be careful where you park the Axxess!

There's a building in London and one in Vegas that cause the sunlight to be focused enough that parked cars across the streets have their plastic parts melt. I saw a video of the London one where they fried an egg on the sidewalk across the street. Maybe you can do the same 'trick' at your next campground & impress the non-aluminum folks.  8-)


No need to adjust your computer screen; this is just one more tale from the [font face="impact" size="5"]"LIV LITE ZONE"[/font].

This incident reminds me of youthful fun with magnifying glass and unsuspecting ants.    


That's a little scary. Did this effect how you feel about your Ax? I read one other instance of someone saying they left a paperback in a chair beside an Ax and the book caught fire, but I wasn't sure they were telling the truth. I feel like awnings will help with this when we're camping. We're eventually going to add an awning to the passenger side.


[quote source="/post/19169/thread" author="@rab0325" timestamp="1457092229"]That's a little scary. Did this effect how you feel about your Ax? I read one other instance of someone saying they left a paperback in a chair beside an Ax and the book caught fire, but I wasn't sure they were telling the truth. I feel like awnings will help with this when we're camping. We're eventually going to add an awning to the passenger side.[/quote][font size="4" style="color:rgb(230, 74, 25);"]Think of all the benefits, man!  No lighter or matches?  No problem!  You got a built-in assist for campfires!  Want privacy?  You got it....no one will want to park anywhere near you!  Book burning?  Could prove very useful, especially with revisionist textbooks and the garbage printed today.  What if somehow this power could be directed to knock out some of those pesky drones???

Don't be scared!  Think of the possibilities when you're in the [/font][font color="#5e1d09" face="impact" size="5"]LIV LITE ZONE !     

[img style="" style="max-width:100%;" src="http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo24/lil_jojo_420/l_bbba6c08e4b44d9d8f0503a3b022eb20.jpg"]



If there is ever a rally of Axxess owners you can position all the trailers end-to-end in a big arc and concentrate the sunlight into one focal spot like a >>[a href="https://www.google.ca/search?q=heliostat&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj07re7afLAhWHWh4KHf8HB2AQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=heliostat+mirror"]heliostat[/a]<<. With enough trailers you should be able to ignite a ceremonial campfire or sacrifice a virgin. Actually, it would be fun to focus the energy on a standard non-aluminum toy hauler and see what happens!


[font size="3"]Ummm...might have a problem there. Most states have a rule against bringing in firewood from other locations  8-)   8-)
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


[quote source="/post/19185/thread" author="@peislander" timestamp="1457123200"]If there is ever a rally of Axxess owners you can position all the trailers end-to-end in a big arc and concentrate the sunlight into one focal spot like a >>[a href="https://www.google.ca/search?q=heliostat&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjj07re7afLAhWHWh4KHf8HB2AQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=heliostat+mirror"]heliostat[/a]<<. With enough trailers you should be able to ignite a ceremonial campfire or sacrifice a virgin. Actually, it would be fun to focus the energy on a standard non-aluminum toy hauler and see what happens![/quote][font face="arial" size="5" color="#0f0205"]Heliostat DC![/font]  Finding a virgin will pose a challenge, however.  Must be resourceful... [font size="5" style="color:rgb(30, 89, 156);font-weight:bold;font-family:'comic sans ms';"]HELIOSTAT HILLARY! [/font]

[font face="arial" style="font-size:medium;color:rgb(2, 9, 17);"]I'm sorry, just can't help but be political right now.   It may be up to Axxess owners to save this Nation... in the [/font][font color="#0f0602" size="5" face="impact"]LIV LITE ZONE![/font]


love it!!!!  might consider parking near some folks who really bother me!