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21RBS Dinette Table - Version 2.0

Started by charliem, April 07, 2016, 03:08:25 PM

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[font size="3"]This is the second attempt to modify the 21RBS dinette table. I tried the original single post and an upgraded marine locking post and both were too wobbly. Then I custom designed a table with a special order laminated foam core top attached to the wall. While the concept and design were good, the material was not. The table was larger and very stable, but the top warped and suffered from edge trim delamination. So I've now gone to a new custom design made completely of that four letter word: [font size="1"]wood[/font]. It attaches to the wall as the first one did for great stability and expanded size. The detachable leaf provides better access with the slide in.

[attachment id="1307" thumbnail="1"]   [attachment id="1308" thumbnail="1"]

 The results are:

a)   Does not wobble
b)   Travels with the slide
c)   Allows access to the bath and fridge with the slide in for road travel or cold weather nights
d)   Provides optional smaller table
e)   Should not warp
d) Maintains dinette bed capability
[font size="3"]

The table is fabricated from 1/2" Birch plywood and 1" Oak stock. It's been field and wife tested on a two+ week trip and works very well.  8-)      
[font size="3"][/font][font size="3"][attachment id="1309" thumbnail="1"]

[a href="http://www.amazon.com/Products-013-071-Folding-Table-Leg/dp/B002N5YF2O/ref=pd_sim_auto_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=01FG0CMM36W81K0TJEDN"]http://www.amazon.com/Products-013-071-Folding-Table-Leg/dp/B002N5YF2O/ref=pd_sim_auto_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=01FG0CMM36W81K0TJEDN[/a]

[a href="http://www.amazon.com/Patrick-Metals-164922-Support-Sliding/dp/B004OHTRE0"]http://www.amazon.com/Patrick-Metals-164922-Support-Sliding/dp/B004OHTRE0[/a]

[a href="http://www.rockler.com/table-leaf-aligners-6-pairs"]http://www.rockler.com/table-leaf-aligners-6-pairs[/a]

[a href=""]http://www.rockler.com/metal-drop-leaf-support [/a]

[a href="http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=53088306"]http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=53088306[/a][/font]
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


There comes a time when if you can't beat them, join them. Wood has it's merits. I think you did a fine job there replacing that OEM foam sandwich stuff.

I finally resorted to a folding wood dinette top in my dinette conversion. A weighty maple butcher block piece I had left over from the home kitchen remodel. I am convinced your top will stand the test of time every bit as well as the trailer as a whole.

Great stuff right there.


Quote from: @whoofit" source="/post/20320/thread" timestamp="1460111137There comes a time when if you can't beat them, join them. Wood has it's merits. I think you did a fine job there replacing that OEM foam sandwich stuff.

I finally resorted to a folding wood dinette top in my dinette conversion. A weighty maple butcher block piece I had left over from the home kitchen remodel. I am convinced your top will stand the test of time every bit as well as the trailer as a whole.

Great stuff right there.
[font size="3"]It was more a matter of my skills and available materials, and I was really disappointed with the foam core. If I could have welded the table from tubular aluminum I might have tried. Amazingly, when including all the hardware required to support the foam top, the new wood table weighs the same or slightly less +/- a pound or so. And with the removable leaf it's actually easier for my wife to handle.

So if wood is of equal strength and weight, [/font][font size="3"]I can work it, and i[/font][font size="3"]t's exposed so I can see any rot, it wins.
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


Awe heck it is a table top. I had grand plans for a stainless steel top to keep with the no wood theme. I decided to put a 30lb butcher block in there. Now I can slaughter a fish with a cleaver there and only need to be careful of splattering guts on the window screen. And besides, if there was a termite infestation or something they are in the right place for dinner....


 [font size="3"]:D    :D   but got to catch the fish first...................[/font]
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


2013 13QBB
2015 Ford F-150
Anderson 3324 WDH


Quote from: @mitch" timestamp="1460131277" source="/post/20332/threadBLASPHEMERS!!!! AWAY WITH YOU!!!
How so? Looks like wood to me. Otherwise there would be no need for a tablecloth. Charlie could've done better IMO. (Not my work. All credits to Mr DiCapprio)


This is their house (you can tell because they're barefoot), not their RV, wood is acceptable. You never see the other famous painting where they're all on the road, in that one it's bronze everywhere, bronze frame, bronze wheels rims, bronze roof, not a stitch of wood. Even the hitch was bronze but someone was concerned the thing would bend so they put some bolts through the side of it for extra stability.  
2013 13QBB
2015 Ford F-150
Anderson 3324 WDH



I am stopping right here. After catching my breath I realize there is no where left for me to take this!



[font size="3"]You Guys!! Now I have to find a table cloth???   >:(
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


[font size="3"]Now I've seen it all. I can make an aluminum tablecloth for my wooden table.

May this thread RIP.  ;)
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida


[quote timestamp="1460292017" source="/post/20383/thread" author="@charliem"][font size="3"]Now I've seen it all. I can make an aluminum tablecloth for my wooden table.
Or you could paint the wood table with a aluminum paint that uses aluminum pigment like this >> [a href="http://protective.sherwin-williams.com/detail.jsp?A=sku-25952%3Aproduct-6770"]aluminum paint by Sherwin-Williams[/a] <<.  :)

Your new table looks great. 


Getting back on track here........

The wife and I are seriously considering taking out the sofa from the 21 RBS and installing a dinette area like the one Charliem has.


You say the leaf is removable, but it looks like it " drops " down

Where can I purchase the seats?

The new LivinLite site shows a Cascade with that seating structure, but it would probably have the traditional support

What do I do with the sofa??

Bathroom access while slide is in is VERY important....would you be able to provide some more detail of your new design??

Do you think the Cascade interior allows access to the bathroom when slide is in??


The wife wants a place to hang clothes. The only idea I have is to put in a removable bar in the shower and have her (me) take the clothes off and put them on the bed while showering. Aside from trading in my Suburban and going back to towing with a van, does anyone have any great ideas to share?? I MIGHT look into a bar in the Suburban, if I can pull it off.



Quote from: @gleamb" source="/post/20519/thread" timestamp="1460556425Getting back on track here........

The wife and I are seriously considering taking out the sofa from the 21 RBS and installing a dinette area like the one Charliem has.


You say the leaf is removable, but it looks like it " drops " down

Where can I purchase the seats?

The new LivinLite site shows a Cascade with that seating structure, but it would probably have the traditional support

What do I do with the sofa??

Bathroom access while slide is in is VERY important....would you be able to provide some more detail of your new design??

Do you think the Cascade interior allows access to the bathroom when slide is in??


The wife wants a place to hang clothes. The only idea I have is to put in a removable bar in the shower and have her (me) take the clothes off and put them on the bed while showering. Aside from trading in my Suburban and going back to towing with a van, does anyone have any great ideas to share?? I MIGHT look into a bar in the Suburban, if I can pull it off.


[font size="3"]Gleamb,

Glad to respond with more detail, but I must caution: I started with the dinette option which is significantly different than the factory sofa option. The slide on the dinette version has an external storage compartment that also provides a shelf inside under the window. The bench seats are also included. The slide structure inside the camper appears significantly different from the sofa option. Not to say you can't get there, but it's going to take more work. That said, here are more pictures:

[attachment id="1323" thumbnail="1"]    [attachment id="1324" thumbnail="1"]    [attachment id="1325" thumbnail="1"]

The left picture shows the bottom of the table with the leaf separated. It detaches totally and does not hinge or drop down. The two shiny metal objects at top and bottom are alignment devices that position the two sections. The longer metal objects closer to the center are sliding leaf supports that extend and support the leaf by engaging the two wooden blocks glued to the leaf. The object in the center next to the swing leg is a window sash lock that locks the two sections together. The swing leg is adjustable and remains attached to the larger segment when the leaf is removed. It also swings up as shown when the dinette is used as a bed.

The other two pictures show the leg deployed including the rubber tie down strap. This strap is very important as it keeps the table in place during travel. Note that the leg sits on a movable portion of the slide, thus allowing the table to remain in place when opening or closing the slide.

The seat benches were part of the factory dinette option. I increased the height with two wooded boxes framed with 1x4 lumber and plywood tops for extra height and some extra storage. The cushions were custom made of high density foam by a marine outfitter. The table attaches to the wall studs and structure with a Patrick Metals "sliding support " referenced in the original post and visible at the far left of the first picture. This provides solid support for the fixed portion of the table while enabling easy removal for dinette-to-bed conversion.

I hope this helps, however it does assume the original dinette option. You probably can get there with your cabinetry skills, but it'll be different. I would have suggested consulting with LL for parts, but with Thor in the picture I'm not expecting much cooperation.

Bathroom access with the slide in is excellent though you might want to tweak the size of the leaf to increase it. The pinch point becomes the rear seat cushion. The existing sofa becomes surplus and heads for the dump. On clothes hanging, we use a rod in the back seat of the TV for longer trips.
Any 20 minute job can be stretched
to a week with proper planning

NW Florida