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Started by daplumbr, January 09, 2016, 09:18:08 PM

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I have them. My son said he paired his phone to the Jensen.


King RV Media sent an email stating that it cannot pair with the Jensen Radio AWM968.

I asked if I could return it but since it is for playing our Sirius Satellite radio I am going to see if I can get it to work with a Bluetooth plug in transmitter and send the music out that way.


Swilky great minds think a like.  I picked up a Tao Blue Tooth Transmitter and hooked it directly to the Sirius Radio output.  No issues pairing with the King RV Speaker.  I now will try to pair it with the Jensen too. If not a hard wired stereo splitter is working already.  

You could also hook it to the Audio out too on the Jensen head unit but the Tao needs USB power and I am not sure if I want to bury it that far just yet.  

Used the TAO Bluetooth transmitter from Amazon [a href="https://smile.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Transmitter-TaoTronics-Connected-Transmission/dp/B00P24XKS8/ref=pd_sim_107_7?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=VEPCTJEVR8ZH7CN46NCT"]BT XMIT[/a]


We bought one of the TAO Bluetooths  also. Will be another option and the price is more than right. Thanks for that tip.

I do have a question.
 We have the 2016  16TBS. Maybe someone can tell me what the mounting depth is for speakers in the ceilings? I had mine out to put a few (not wired speakers back in to action ) but did not take notice of the depth. I'm looking to add better after markets and there are a lot of options out there. It really comes down to this one question. How much depth is there ? Most after markets are around 4 to 6 inches deep.
Does anyone know? Trying to be lazy and not go pull one out to measure.

Thanks for any help on this.