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LL Meetup Fourth of July weekend at Acadia National Park

Started by david, December 15, 2015, 09:53:10 PM

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2013 13QBB
2015 Ford F-150
Anderson 3324 WDH


[quote source="/post/17552/thread" timestamp="1452141032" author="@mitch"]We're in, arriving June 30 and leaving July 5th.[/quote]Great!  :)


Those dates (6/30-7/5) are the same dates that Joan & I made reservations for! We are really looking forward to it! Should be a great time!



I booked for five nights with an arrival on June 29 and departure on July 4.

I've been looking at YouTube vids about the park. We're going to bring our bikes because the 'Carriage Trail' system there looks incredible. I also hope to hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain.  8-)


Hello all:

I just checked the recreation.gov reservation site for Acadia NP and it is now half full for the July 4th weekend. We have seven LLs now booked for that weekend. So if anyone wants to join us, please reserve now. It should fill up in a few months. If you do reserve let us know by a post on this thread and I will add your name to a private message group for details that would fill up this thread.

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


Just thought I'd bump this thread back to life! Its snow-storming again today here on Prince Edward Island and the weather has me thinking how much I'm going to enjoy the get-together at Acadia National Park in Maine. Here's hoping some more folks will join all of us who have committed to participating. We want you to join us!


Thanks Ross. I just checked on recreation.gov for availability for the 4th of July weekend. There are only two larger sites: 20'+, suitable for a 21 RBS or so, but fifteen are still available for 20' and shorter sites which would be suitable for the 16TBS or smaller.

Book now and join the fun!!!

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


This is relevant to Paul & myself (and if anyone else comes from Canada it is relevant to them too)...

At the border entering the great US of A we will not be allowed to bring in any meat, fruit, or wood. I have heard of visitors having dog food also taken from them if it isn't in the original packaging.


[quote source="/post/19926/thread" timestamp="1459078622" author="@peislander"]This is relevant to Paul & myself (and if anyone else comes from Canada it is relevant to them too)...

At the border entering the great US of A we will not be allowed to bring in any meat, fruit, or wood. I have heard of visitors having dog food also taken from them if it isn't in the original packaging.[/quote]I plan to stop on the other side of the border to buy my meat and fruit, less trouble that way


I just checked Blackwoods Campground at Acadia NP for availability (recreation.gov) on the 4th of July weekend. The larger RV sites (21-35') are all booked, but there still are plenty of smaller ones- up to 20' ok for a 16, available.

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


2013 13QBB
2015 Ford F-150
Anderson 3324 WDH


This is how it now stands for confirmed attendees:

david-   David and Joan Marchand organizer of sorts
WilliamWallace- Chris ?
Paul- Paul-Andre Robichaud and wife
PEIslander- Ross and Heather Macintosh
gbpack- Gregg and Joan Boettcher
mitch- Mitch and Robbie Berg

I was expecting whoofit to join us, but I haven't heard officially from him. Any others I missed or who want to join us? If you would like to know more about Acadia, post a reply to this thread and I will add you to a message group that I am using for participants and those interested. We can answer your questions easier there.

Or just go to reacreation.gov, book a spot and let us know. Spots are assigned on or near the day of arrival. I will try to coordinate with the rangers near July 1, so we know where everyone will be.


David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


How cool is that?  Acadia is our favorite place on the planet, been there 15+ times from home in Tennessee.  You all will love it, I could do without Bar Harbor, too touristy, but everything else is beyond incredible. Seawall campground is magnificent too, if you fill up Blackwoods.  Thurstons for cheap lobsters, the sunsets at Bass Harbor Head lighthouse, the little restaurant just down from the lighthouse, on the bay at Bass Harbor..........Seafood Ketch, that's the name.  Love it. Southwest harbor is the best little town on the island, not touristy at all, or only allows quiet respectful tourists.  just outside Southwest going to Seawall is a drive up that has great, cheap lobsters, cooked and handed to you in a brown paper bag, drive the 5 minutes to seawall, and use rocks to crack the lobsters.  Nights will be chilly even in July. It would be a huge pull for us, so it is doubtful that we could come, but we wish you all the best. I tear up everytime we drive on the island, it is so beautiful.  


For anyone who might still be interested in going to this campout, a larger campsite will be coming available soon. My wife and I were signed up to go to this and had a reservation for a larger site (21'-35'), but are having to back out of the campout due to a family schedule conflict. I will hold off on cancelling our reservation for one week in case somebody out there is interested in going and needs a larger site. (Smaller sites are still available per David's earlier post above). If you are interested this larger site, let both David and myself know, and then I can try to coordinate my cancellation with your campground reservation at the Acadia Park office, as all of the larger sites have been sold out for a while now. My reservation is for 5 nights stating June 30 (departing on July 5), but you wouldn't necessarily need to take it for the entire 5 days if you don't want to. Many of the others who are going are only scheduled for 3 or 4 nights. Let David and I know right away if you are interested in this site. Sounds like it's going to be a great time and we are sorry that we have to miss it.
Thanks, Gregg