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LL Meetup Fourth of July weekend at Acadia National Park

Started by david, December 15, 2015, 09:53:10 PM

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[p]Several of us: whofit, Paul and me- david have been planning a meetup in the Northeast and have decided on the fourth of July weekend at the Blackwoods Campground at Acadia National Park. All LL camper owners are welcome to attend. You can follow the developments on this thread, but if you are thinking about it seriously, give us your user name and we will add you to a private LL message group that will include everything- planning, dates, sites, activities, etc.[/p][p]
[/p][p]The core dates are the weekend of the Fourth of July: Friday and Saturday nights, July 1-3. But some of us will come early and some may stay later. I am planning to camp in the White Mountains National Forest in New Hampshire on the way up from Connecticut on Thursday and would welcome company.[/p][p]
[/p][p]Acadia National Park is near Bar Harbor on Mt Desert Island in Maine, just south of Bangor. The park was founded in the early 1900s and covers much of Mount Desert Island. It has carriage trails that are great for biking and easy hiking, spectacular waterfront rocks and cliffs, mountains, ponds and lakes, a real fiord, I could go on and on. The town of Bar Harbor is the commercial center with a nice waterfront park, hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, and of course lots of t-shirt shops.[/p][p]
[/p][p]You can hike, bike, travel protected interior roads by car, see a waterfront spout, swim on a frigid beach, drive up  a mountain with 360 deg views and have tea and popovers at a nice restaurant on the lawn overlooking a pristine lake. It is one of my favorite parks out of many great national parks in our country. It is a vacation destination that many travel thousands of miles to reach.
[/p][p]So please join us if you can.[/p][p] [/p][p]David[/p]
David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


I am going to leave on the June 28 after work and go to St Andrews New Brunswick for 2 days on June 30 I will leave St Andrews to go to Acadia until July 3. This will cut my drive in two. 


Looking forward to this. I think this will be an out and back for us. We will have just returned from Moab not long before. This will be great!


I haven't got my trailer yet but that would be a great time.  I'm in southern NH.  The closest dealer is only open Friday-Monday so I'm chomping at the bit to start some serious price discussions.


I will add you to my message group. The first half dozen or so messages are between me and whoofit talking about camping in our areas. Since you live in southern NH you might be interested in whoofits camping experience.

Then it switches to discussion of the Acadia meetup and gives reservation info. If you are pretty sure you want to come, I would seriously consider reserving a spot as soon as the reservation window opens, in very early January. Keep watching and I will advise when and which campsites to try to snag if you want to be near the group. Well I guess I am being presumptuous that anyone would want to camp near me ;-).

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


I love Acadia. If we weren't going to be at the opposite end of the country in July, we'd be in Maine! 


We are leaving Bar Harbor June 22, so we will just miss you. Too bad for us, but we will be on our way to the PNW Rally. So many places to go, so little time...
Located in Kentucky and Florida at present


The reservation window on reservation.gov is now open for making camping reservations starting July 1, 2016 at Acadia National Park. We are using a private message group on this forum to keep everyone interested in attending up to speed about this meetup.

So if you have interest in coming and have not yet gotten on the message group, post your username here and I will add you to that message group.

Book soon, because that weekend is probably one of the busiest each season.

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


So glad for the invitation! Joan & I will be there and are really looking forward to meeting all of you and seeing the Park (and surrounding area), as we have never been to Maine. Wait! Isn't there a song by that title? Oh no, my bad. That was Never Been To Spain by 3 Dog NIght (back in the mid-70's for all of you youngsters)!
Looking forward to it!
Gregg & Joan


Could I get in on the message group for this?  The wife and I and dog, would most likely be up for a trip to Acadia.

2013 13QBB
2015 Ford F-150
Anderson 3324 WDH



I'll set you up in just a minute. It now looks like we will have seven CLs at Acadia.

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


It's great to see so much interest in this gathering. My wife & I and our small but mighty Camplite 11FDB will be attending. Last year just three trailers met at Fundy National Park in New Brunswick, Canada, for what was the 'First International Camplite Gathering'. We hoped it might be the start of something annual. This one, with more participants, should be even more fun. It will be interesting to see if this grows every year.

I just wanted to add (and I'm sure everyone participating would agree) that if you are interested in Camplites but haven't yet bought your own, please feel free to join us (tent camping or whatever). It could be a great opportunity to see various models (i.e. the trailers not us participants) and we'll share our experiences. When we factory-ordered our 2013 Camplite in 2012 we had never seen a Camplite in person. As there aren't many dealers in this part of the world - a gathering like this can be a great opportunity to see some up close & personal.


To build on what PEIslander just said, we should have a range of CL models at this event: 11,13,16, and 21' trailers. The 21 should be brand new.

David M

16TBS towed with a 2013 Nissan Pathfinder


This is TOO cool! Y'all be sure to take some pictures of the whole group together...We'd love to use it on Livin Lite social media and such :-) (With permission, of course)


Christian - will do! Appreciate you being a part of the forum and passing along things discussed to those at LL who should know.