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Forum update

Started by admin, December 15, 2016, 03:43:22 PM

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It is with great sadness that I am having to post this message. Livin Lite has decided to abandon this forum. They are going to start over with their own site and only plan to allow ours to exist at this address until the new one is operational.

I currently do not have the time to setup and administer a server. However even if I did, our web address would need to change. Back when we first partnered with Livin' Lite, they offered up the current address but now they plan to take that back and point it to their new site.

I know there is are many who wish to support this forum, and I'm willing to work with anyone who wishes to take up the reins but at this point I'm going to bow out and focus on things with the family. We still plan to blog and post videos at LivinTheLiteLife on YouTube after taking our break as the baby has arrived.

I can't express strongly enough how poor this decision is on Livin Lite's side, but its proof positive that when corporate interests enter into the equation nothing else matters. It is their decision to make, right or wrong.

I encourage everyone reading this to let Livin Lite know just how bad of a choice this was.

For now this looks to be farewell as it is just a matter of time before our little sanctuary disappears.


Thanks for the update. This decision absolutely stinks. It js bad enough that they will not support the forum, but to take the URL really adds salt to the wound. This is really short sighted and in my opinion, an attempt to control content and possible negative opinions. I'm done with them.
Camplite 21BHS / Ram 1500

Central Florida


All ... I wanted to take a moment to let you all in on what's happening with our Forum. As some of you already know, I'm the customer service representative for Livin' Lite, and I enjoy keeping up with the experiences you share with other LL owners.

Starting mid-January, we're switching over to a new Forum provider that will be hosted on Livin' Lite's server, instead of the current third party private server. We're changing providers for a couple of reasons; primarily that as our Forum page views increase and draw more interest and support, we need to be able to protect and preserve that data. We can't guarantee that with the current setup. The only way to ensure that happens is to host the site ourselves.

The domain name will stay the same (http://livinlite-owners.com/). Although we're switching to a completely new Forum software package, the new Forum will offer virtually the same features we currently enjoy, plus increased security and data preservation.

One feature that will no longer be offered will be the posting of free or paid outside advertising. Livin' Lite will no longer allow outside concerns (especially competitors of our brand) to post advertisements for products that, by association, imply we approve of or accept liability for.

As we're setting up the new Forum, we'd like your input as soon as possible concerning any new features or improvements you'd like us to implement. The Livin' Lite Forum is a place for you to share ideas and improvements with other owners, thus improving everyone's camping experiences. We take this mission very seriously, and that emphasis is not changing. What is changing is the method of long-term information storage and the removal of un-endorsed advertising.

More info will be forthcoming, as we get closer to the launch. Thanks for your continued dedication to Livin' Lite and its many users!